Head to Head Records

Select home club and away club for head to head records of fixtures between both teams. Please note that our records are currently incomplete so the results may not show all meetings between the two sides. If you are able to help complete our results archive, e-mail archives@nwcfl.com with details


Results between Stockport Town and 1874 Northwich

Total Head to Head Record

GamesSTOC Wins1874 WinsDrawsSTOC Goals1874 Goals
1 1 0 0 4 3

In Depth Results

Monday 31st October 2022
Cheshire Senior Cup1st Round
Stockport Town 4-3 1874 NorthwichHT: 3-1
Thomas Morris (32)
Thomas Morris (35)
Samuel Hind (43)
Samuel Hare (65p)
  Joshua Quarless (3)
Matthew Fenton (48)
Joshua Quarless (77)
Att: 84

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