News from the League AGM

Sat 14th June 2014 | General
By Paul Lawler

The North West Counties League Annual General Meeting took place in Blackpool on Saturday.

The constitution for Season 2014/15 was confirmed. Champions Norton United took their official bow from the league with them taking their rightful place in the Evo Stik League. Sadly we also said goodbye to two clubs in Formby and Leek CSOB. We welcome three news clubs into our First Division in Barnton, from the Cheshire League, Litherland REMYCA, from the Liverpool Premier League and new club Cammell Lairds 1907.

There is still some uncertainty as to the constitution of the First Division but we expect this to be settled in the next few weeks but the Division will run with either 19 or 18 clubs.

After running in various formats for the past 31 years, we also say goodbye to the League's Reserve Division. After a fall in participant clubs over the past few years, the League Management Committee had no option but to disband the competition for next season.