New Manager At Atherton LR

Sun 11th May 2014 | Atherton LR
By Ian Templeman

Atherton LR have announced the appointment of Ross McNair as their new manager.

34 year old Ross is no stranger at Crilly Park, having spent several years at the club as a player. He was also club captain, and led LR to victory in the Goldline Trophy when they beat Eagley 5–3 in the final at the Reebok Stadium in 2005.

In a playing career spent largely in the NWCFL, Ross also played for Daisy Hill, Ashton Town and Atherton Collieries.

LR Chairman Jane Wilcock said: "There was a lot of interest in the position, and we would like to thank everyone who took time to send in applications.

"There were some experienced candidates but we decided that Ross was the type of person we need to move the club forward.

"He knows the club well, and we know him from his time here as a player, and his enthusiasm and commitment really shone through at the interview. We are delighted to have him back at the club and look forward to working with him".

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