Allocation Of Clubs At Step 4/5

Mon 20th May 2013 | General
By Ian Templeman

At a meeting on Friday, the FA’s Leagues Committee agreed the allocations across the country relating to clubs being promoted from Step 5 and the placement of clubs relegated from Step 4.

These allocations are subject to change and will not be finally confirmed until the AGMs of the 4 senior leagues have taken place.

Full details of all the allocations can be found on the FA website, but the main decision affecting the North West Counties Football League is that no club will be relegated from a Step 4 league into our league for the 2013-14 season.

Garforth Town and Hucknall Town, who finished in the relegation position in the Evo-Stik League Division One North and South respectively, have both been placed in the Northern Counties East League Premier Division.

This decision does not, of course, affect Padiham, who will be promoted as champions of the NWCFL into the Evo-Stik League Division One North.

Mike Appleby, Leagues & Clubs Manager in the FA's Football Services Division said: “There will be a further meeting of the Step 5/6 Review Group on Wednesday when the issue of lateral movements at both Step 5 and Step 6 will be considered. As far as promotion from Step 7 is concerned, details will be forwarded to Leagues during the next few days.

“Any internal movements within competitions will be at the discretion of the competitions concerned.

“At Friday’s meeting the recommendations from the Ground Grading Technical Panel relating to both Steps 5 and 6 were received. These will also be relayed in the next few days.

“The issue of a number of clubs seeking movement between leagues for specific reasons were also considered, and again will be advised in due course, as will applications from clubs currently outside the National League System seeking entry above Step 7”.

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